About Me

I'm Judith (Judit vagyok). I'm a Hungarian Kiwi - that is a first generation New Zealander whose family came from Hungary.

Although the family spoke both Hungarian and English when I was very little, it soon became an English only household. It was not until visiting family in Hungary, as a teenager, I realized I had lost most of my Hungarian (I guess I thought it was just sitting there ready to come on call - mostly it wasn't).

So, although I could claim Hungarian as my first language I am not a native speaker. Over the years I have slowly clawed it back - with tapes, CDs, grammar books, children's story books and DVDs. Although the biggest gains were at the Debrecen Summer School's 4-week intensives.

Initially I tried sharing my love of language through song. But there were problems with the platform I used and also there is just too much in a song. Instead, I've switched to Hungarian Sayings on YouTube.

So, I'm no linguist but I think I can teach you something of the Hungarian language. My training is in Electrical Engineering, teaching and IT. I taught teenagers for 5 years and adults from naďve office workers to professional engineers for many more (although most of my time is spent programming not teaching). I have also taught dance and exercise to adults for many years. And I'm passionate about my Hungarian heritage.

Contact Me.
Singing at Varga Day party 2006 (Laci, Gábor, Gábor).
Singing at Varga Day party
A Kiwi bird.
A Kiwi bird