
My YouTube channel offers a range of Hungarian, with a Kiwi twist, videos. Anything from history, to songs, to traditional practices, to more language stuff.

Hungarian Sayings and Proverbs for English Speakers

Each video includes a saying which is deconstructed then used as a jumping off point for additional vocab and grammar.

Hungarian History

This comes in two flavours short bites on a single topic and an examination of a historical myth.

Other Hungarian Myths

Not "myths and legends" but rather Urban Myths other than histoical.

Traditional Harvesting

This looks at harvesting grain with a scythe and includes both clips from competitions and a How-To guide.
Saying - Kutyát is kár kiverni a házból.
Explaining the saying -
Kutyát is kár kiverni a házból
King Stephen.
King Stephen
Traditional harvesting with a scythe.
Traditional harvesting with a scythe
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